Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week 5 April 30- May 4


Continue working on duck/chicken coop house and tables for hydroponics.

Inside:  We need to get back to video editing to put some clips together for an end of school video.

Project 1  - 10 Imgages
Project 2 - Top 10 - pick a topic, make a top 10 list.

Cinco deMayo Celebration

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

HHS vs SEEO Soccer

Hillside High trailed this game 3-0 at half.  HHS had a mighty comeback outscoring SEEO 5-1 in the second half for a 5-4 victory.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Week 4 - April 23-27

We will be both inside and outside this week.

Outside work will include:
1. Clearing out a portion of the storage bin for use as a chicken coop.
2. Dig 4 post holes for a bench around the pepper tree.
3. Dig some other post holes for galvanized round post poles for a vertical garden.


Animation - Download the App "SKITBOT"  The student will be creating an animation using their phone. For this project, the student will need some objects to move around.  You are welcome to use the classroom props.

Alternative.  Create an Animation using Hyperstudio. The project shall be a minimum of 50 cards.

Note: Students testing in Mr. Waldowski's Class.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 3 April 16-20

Monday:  Three projects are assigned.

1. Take a photo of yourself, open Microsoft word import the photo. Add your name to the document. Save the document, then do a save as and save the document as a PDF. Open the PDF and export it as a JPEG. Then import the JPEG to your blog page title the post SELFIE.  Print out the image and turn in.

2.  Animation Project #3. Using Hyperstudio import a photo or sketch from the Internet. Include this image in this project. Tell a story in 30 cards.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 2 . April 9-13

Activities for Week 2 April 9-13.

Tuesday - Friday.  We will be spending some time outside in the garden removing the beams we previously installed.  The district will be placing a galvanized steel structure.

Hyperstudio Project #2 is the Magic Seed. Make the seed do something over 20 cards. Animate the image. Save to your blogger.

Monday 4-9: P3 we had acrtive shooter training.  All other classes working on Hyperstudio

Monday, April 2, 2018

Welcome Back Week 1 Quarter 4

Friday, April 6.  Sub. Work involved starting the second hyperstudio project. 20 cards. The magic seed.

Thursday, April 5 . Outside. Installed the beam to the two posts we installed last week.
Also moved the salad bar gardens outside because of the fly infestation.

Wednesday, April 4 . Cont and finish animation.

Tuesday, Apirl 3  Cont. on Hyperstudio Animations.  10 Cards make a stick figure move across screen.

Monday April 2

Welcome Back -

OA - Whats happening in Cape Town South Africa?

OA - How was your break?

Intro to Hyperstudio.

I was in Savannah Ga.

Hillside High School 2018 Graduation Video