Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Week 9

Week 9

Wednesday 5-30.  OA  Post on blogger funniest thing to happen to you. Write two checks.

Bridge Builder Instructions

Build a secure bridge that can withstand the weight of the truck as it goes from one side to another. Purchase parts to construct your bridge with your limited money. Once you have constructed the bridge, instruct the truck to drive across it. Keep an eye on the beams as the truck passes; red indicates that a beam is under a lot of stress. Good luck! Use your mouse to build bridges. Click the play button on the upper left side to see if the bridge is stable, if not you can edit it. Turn the go lights on to get the truck moving.

There are approx. 25 levels to this game. Lets see who can get the farthest!

 Link to Bridge Builder

Tuesday 5-29  All classes outside - Empty out storage bin. We have collect 4 eggs to date.

Monday 5-28 Memorial Holiday - No School. This is a day we remember our fallen military.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Week 8 May 21-25

Week 8 May 21-25 Activitities

 Friday  5/25

Activity:  Travel Director: Provide driving information to travel from  Salt Lake City Utah to the Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming.

Driving Time/Distance

3 things to do in Grand Teton area of Wyoming.

 Thursday 5/24

Activity:  Travel Director: Provide driving information to travel from Houston Texas to Salt Lake City Utah

Driving Time/Distance

3 things to do in Salt Lake City.

Wenesday 5/23
Activity:  Travel Director: Provide driving information to travel from Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico to Houston Texas

Driving Time/Distance

3 things to do in Houston Texas.

Tuesday 5/22
Activity:  Travel Director: Provide driving information to travel from  Tucson Arizona to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.

Driving Time/Distance

3 things to do in Carlsbad Caverns.

Monday 5/21 
Activity:  Travel Director: Provide driving information to travel from Upland to Tucson Arizona

Driving Time/Distance

3 things to do in Tucson.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Fusionfest Video

HHS vs SA Soccer Match

Match Review:  HHS added a couple of new players to the team; Roger Lopez and Anthony Arreola.
Goals in the match were scored by Jonathan Alvarez 3, Jafaar Sajat 2, and Ceasar Lopez 1. The match was played at Oakmont school in Claremont.

Week 7 May 14-118

Wednesday: OA: Provide a review of your favorite Online or video game. Include a link to the site.
Activity; See Tuesday

Tuesday: OA: If you could meet anyone in the world (dead or alive) who would it be and why. include photo
Activity: Use this week to wrap up any iMovie project that needs to be completed.
Extra Credit: I need help creating an end of the year video. Need students to go through thousands of photos that were taken this year.

Monday; OA; If you inherited 1,000,000 dollars what would you do with it?
Activity: Outside cont. work on Chicken Coop

Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 6 May 7-11

Outside - Cont. on Chicken Coop/ Extending Garden / Teaching area work.

Inside - Wrap up all projects from earlier in the quarter.

Hillside High School 2018 Graduation Video