Friday, Feb 16 - Indoors - Color Me. Using Gimp modify an image of yourself with colors/Threshold.
Outdoors - Planted Corn/onions
Thursday, Feb 15 - Indoors (All Classes) - I would like for you to take what you have learned recently in GIMP and combine with the class goal of a Hillside High Farm. Find a Farm/Garden image on the Internet and do some GIMP modifications to the images and add the text "Hillside High Family Farms." Place both the original image and the modified image on your Blog page.
Wednesday, Feb 14 - Indoors - We actually got rain early in the morning. Cont. with GIMP. Those classes that were outside will be working on the palm tree project those that did the palm tree project yesterday will be continuing on with another GIMP project.
Tuesday, Feb 13- Depending on class some will be outside some will be inside working on Gimp.
Outside: Dig two holes for grapevine posts. Set and level post then pour concrete in holes. Completed in periods 3 & 4. Also planted 11 tomato plants.
Gimp Project 1 - Palm Tree. You can get the palm tree image from Google Classroom.
Import the image into Gimp
- Using "Color" pull down - select Hue-Saturation
- In the dialogue box select the color blue and then using the scroll bar for Hue Saturation move to left or right. Repeat with Green.
- Once done select 'OK'
- Using "Toolbox" select the smudge tool (the finger). Modify the ocean to look like waves are crashing down on the sand. When done select OK.
- Next using the "Filters" pull-down menu select "Light & Shadow" - Supernova. Make changes as desired then select OK.
- Next using the "Filters" pull-down menu again select "Artistic" then try one of the options presented.
- To save go to File pull-down menu and select EXPORT - change the name slightly so the modified image will not replace the original. And make sure the ending is .jpg.
- Save both your existing and modified images to your blog page.
Monday, Feb 12 NO SCHOOL - Lincolns Birthdate.
Also, the Winter Olympics are ongoing.
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